Allergy In My 1½ Year Old


One doctor suggested that she could be asthmatic but never pursued the option because she was to young for the test.

Do you think she could have some form of asthma? If so, what course of action would you recommend?



Dear Howard,

Thanks for asking about the ability to diagnose allergy and asthma in young children.

Contrary to what many doctors believe, it is possible to make an exact diagnosis in children regardless of their age by performing specific allergen skin testing.

Allergy and Asthma Specialists are trained to not only make an exact diagnosis, but to prescribe treatments to prevent the recurrence of allergy symptoms and the complications of uncontrolled allergy as well, such as repeated ear and sinus infections.

Many children are discriminated against on the basis of their age.  A child can be skin tested for allergies at the age of 6-9 weeks.

Please contact your child’s doctor for a referral to an Allergy & Immunology Specialist in your area. You can locate a Board Certified Allergy, Asthma and Immunology specialist at

Allergy symptoms get better when an exact diagnosis is made!

Good luck and let me know how things turn out for your daughter.

Steve Kagen, M.D.


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