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Foggy Headed From Allergies

Dear Dr. Kagen,

I am a 26 year old male who regularly suffers from hay fever. My last really bad bout with it was the weekend of the 4th of July. A couple days after the weekend, my hay fever seemed to be gone (no congestion, minimal sneezing, no watery eyes).

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New Allergies

Dear Dr. Kagen,

I live in AZ and have terrible allergies in the spring and summer. It seems like over the years, I’ve gotten rid of some secondary allergy problems and gained new ones! Is this normal?

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Allergy In My 1½ Year Old

Dear Dr. Kagen,

Our 1½ yr old has had repeated upper respiratory tract infections and ear infections. She has been on multiple doses of antibiotics which seem to do little or no good at all. She has fits of coughing and wheezing. However, when we take her to the doctor’s office he listens to her lungs and tells us nothing is wrong.

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My Son's Allergy Eyes

Dear Dr. Kagen,

I hope that you will be able to answer a question…actually a few questions concerning allergies and the eyes. My son, age 4 has had the pinkeye 10 times in the last year…We currently reside in IN. We lived in TN and in SC before moving here. I am 31 years old. I have NEVER had the pinkeye before I moved here. Now, I have had it 3 times, my husband 2 times, my daughter 3 times and as I said, my son 10 times.

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Bad Allergies This Year

Dear Dr. Kagen,

I had allergies in early childhood. The doctor told my mother not to worry, that I would grow out of it. Happily the doctor was right and I did “grow out” of my allergies.

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Children with Allergies

Dear Dr. Kagen,

If a child has a runny nose, is the color of the discharge important? For example if the color is green would this be more of an indicator of infection?Thanks!

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Pollen Forecast Predictions

Dear Dr. Kagen,

I am amazed at the accuracy of your predictions of pollen levels here in the Pacific Northwest. How do you predict what the trees are going to do? What factors are involved? I have a particularly hard time with the alder pollen. I am OK up to the moderate levels, but when they are high, or very high I become significantly affected.

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Pollen Maps- What Do They Mean?

Dear Dr. Kagen,

I’m an allergy sufferer and was searching for an easy to read daily allergy map so I can keep track of the pollen levels for my area.

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Stress and Allergies

Dear Dr. Kagen,

What are the effects of a stressful job (counselor) when that person has a past history of 15 years or more of allergies?

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Nasal Symptoms In Air Conditioning

Dear Dr. Kagen,

I was diagnosed to be severe allergic to dust, dust mite and roaches. I heard a lot that air condition can help you reduce into allergy. Whenever I turn on the air condition in my house or in my car, I feel much worse.

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Diesel Emissions and Allergy

Dear Dr. Kagen,

I am a computer systems project manager who started a new job 6 months ago – and developed contact dermatitis on my face 2 months ago, which I am sure is related to the very, very sick building I am working in.

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Nasal Decongestants

Dear Dr. Kagen,

Do you know of anything to use as a decongestant for swollen nasal passages that do not raise blood pressure?

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My Doctor Doesn’t Listen

Dear Dr. Kagen,

I visited my general practitioner for allergy problems I have been experiencing for approximately 3 years. The symptoms are: Sinus and head pressure, swollen irritated eyes, sleeping, groggy feeling, rundown, some dizziness etc. This occurs all year long and doesn’t seem to be triggered by any one particular thing?

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Allergies and Ear Problems

Dear Dr. Kagen,

I have suffered from allergies my entire life. However in the last 3 years, my congestion has gotten worse and now I have developed a constant feeling of fluid in my ears. Cracking / popping/ ringing.

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Allergen Immunotherapy – Allergy Shots

Dear Dr. Kagen,

My allergist is encouraging me to receive allergen immunotherapy because he says it will probably be beneficial, but I’m skeptical. I’ve talked to people that have received this therapy, and they say the beneficial results only lasted from 1 to 3 years. Plus, their allergic symptoms initially increased following the administration of the allergen shot, and there’s also the risk of anaphylactic shock.

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Allergy and Grandma

Dear Dr. Kagen,

My grandmother is turning 90 next week and as far as the doctors can find is in good health. She doesn’t believe them! She has problems with dizziness, weakness, and drainage down the back of her throat. Her doctor agreed she probably has some kind of allergy and has tried a few allergy medications but they didn’t seem to help much. Entex LA, guaifenesin, did help with the drainage but she stopped it after my aunt read that it could cause dizziness.

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Cough at Night in My 4-Year Old Daughter

Dear Dr. Kagen,

My 4 year old daughter coughs lot during the night or after eating food, the coughing will happen when she catches cold – but cold will go but her coughing will be there for longtime.

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Chronic sinus swelling/allergy testing?

Dear Dr. Kagen,

I have been seeing an ENT for several years. I have had one surgery for deviated septum, which seemed to make my symptoms worse when I do develop a sinus cold. now my doc is recommending allergy testing.

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