Cough at Night in My 4-Year Old Daughter


Our doctor told us that she could have mild persistent asthma, but from last 10 days she is coughing too much and not able to sleep in the night.  We are giving her 2 pumps – one for prevention and one for when she gets cough, but neither seems to be working right now.   We are really worried.

What should we do?  One more thing – I want to mention in summer her cough goes away and she will have no problem but in winter it seems to be nightmare for us.


Thanks for asking about your daughter’s cough at night and after meals.

Coughing at night is a classic symptom of Uncontrolled Asthma, and a warning sign that she may experience a severe asthma attack very soon.  Coughing after meals suggests stomach acid reflux.  

So, talk with your doctor today about additionally treatments for uncontrolled asthma, like oral Prednisone.  And also ask if your daughter might have gastro-esophageal reflux disease, or GERD.

If the medications your doctor prescribed are not working, then the original diagnosis may not be accurate.

Finally, you should also ask your doctor if she needs to to consult with an Allergy and Asthma Specialist, since her cough occurs during the heating season, which suggests pet and/or dust mite allergy as the cause for her winter time asthma symptoms.

I hope this brief information is helpful to you and your daughter.  Please let me know how she does.


Steve Kagen, M.D.


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