Pollen Forecast Predictions


Also, do you have long-range pollen forecasts?

That is, can you tell for about how many more weeks the alder pollen levels will be significant so I can get a feel for how much longer I will have to be miserable?

Thanks for your help. This is very interesting to me.

George S.


Hi George.

Thanks for asking.

I review certified pollen and mold spore allergen data daily from across the USA.  We them merge the information into our archival data banks and combine it with local, regional and national weather data sets to create animated surface wind maps that appear in our KagenAir App, which is available at KagenAir.com

Our forecasts are as accurate as possible.  Forecasting allergy symptoms is currently as good as weather forecasting.  Long term allergy forecasting is still an early science.  I have been very accurate in our predictions to the point of predicting the week of onset and decline of pollens levels in most areas of the nation.

I am happy to hear that the info is useful to you.

Have fun.

Steve Kagen, M.D.


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