Is your asthma under control?

Have you ever suffered with the affects of asthma, then gone to your doctor and had a hard time explaining or remembering everything you experience in a day? When you see an allergist or asthma doctor, you'll be asked about your symptoms, when they occur, how often, and more. To make the most out of your allergy doctor appointment, Dr. Kagen has created a helpful worksheet with detailed questions you should be ready to answer to help get you feeling (and breathing) great.


how controlled is your asthma?

  • Do you wake up from sleep wheezing or coughing?
  • Were your activities limited by breathing difficulties?
  • How often are you using a quick reliever to open your lungs?
  • Do you have a morning cough with too much mucus in your throat?
  • Are you short of breath when exercising?
  • Do you wheeze, cough, or feel tight in the chest even though you are taking all your medications?

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